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Q&A – Charlotte McGaun – Founder of Image Geek

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Charlotte McGaun is the founder and owner of Image Geek. Image Geek love to help people improve their image through their own eyes by giving them a helping hand with fitness, food choices and mental wellbeing. Charlotte’s community consists of folks at different stages of their lives with different goals and ambitions. For soon to be Brides and Grooms, it is not all about fitting into your Dress or your Suit, it is about feeling great on your special day!

How did you get started in fitness and wellbeing?
I was always into sport, mainly swimming & netball. I got injured which lead to being out of action, gained 2 stone and needed to shift the weight before going back to training… so I started PT myself and went from there!

How long have you been doing it?
6 years

What is the best thing about what you do?
Seeing people grow with self confidence and knowledge on living a healthy active lifestyle long term!

What advice would you give to other aspiring Coachs?
Find what you love and do that, don’t chase a trend, believe in what you do, trends come and go, passion doesn’t.

Who do you admire?
I admire people off Biggest Loser… programs like that! They inspire me so much and are real life examples normal people can relate too!

Who would you like to be a client?
Anyone who doesn’t feel comfort in a normal commercial gym… someone looking for a new bunch of friends who understand where they are starting at on their own fitness journey. We also work closely with families who want fitness to be family time, and we work with Brides-To-Be wanting to gain confidences ready for their big day!

What gave you the most pleasure?
Opening the wellbeing complex, I was mobile before

What would be your dream job?
Continue what I am doing but also work with fitness/lifestyle magazines!

What do you think you will be doing in 5 years?
Bootcamps worldwide!

What would yo like to be doing in 5 years?
Image Geek within schools and corporate jobs

What are your top 3 tips for your potential members?
1) Be open minded
2) Even on your sh*t days, put them trainers on and show up! You WON’T regret a workout EVER
3) Do what your coach says! πŸ™‚

What changes or trends do you foresee in Fitness and Wellbeing?
I think more employed jobs will start offering more fitness packages to their staff to help their mental wellbeing.

What is your favourite movie?
Remember the Titans

What is your favourite song?
Um, obviously The Greatest Showman!

What is your favourite book?
9 pillars!

Why do people choose you?
I think its because I am a very open book! I am real with my clients, they know they can be open and honest and they will get open and honest responses back!

What would you change about your Industry?
I wish people in the industry focused on their own grass instead of others. We are all in this industry to help people get healthy and active… there is so many different ways to do this… instead of disrespecting other companies, clap and cheer for each other, your style wont be for everyone so build networks you can refer people too, because fitness isn’t a one size fits all, no matter how big your ego is

Anything else?
Image Geek is an ever growing community, safe place for people. We focus on fitness, nutrition and mental wellbeing. We are not a gym, we are a Wellbeing Complex x

Charlotte and Image Geek can be found at Unit 20, Enterprise City, Spennymoor, County Durham, DL16 6JF, Contact number

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